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Zelle Transfers(Does Zelle® report transactions to the IRS?!)

ფიქსირდება თუ არა Zelle®-ს საშუალებით განხორციელებული ტრანზაქციები IRS-ში?!   ხშირად დასმული კითხვები: კითხვა: აწვდის თუ არა Zelle® ინფორმაციას IRS-ს ჩემს მიერ მიღებული თანხების ოდენობის შესახებ? პასუხი: Zelle® არ აწვდის ინფორმაციას IRS-ს Zelle Network®-ის საშუალებით განხორციელებული ტრანზაქციების შესახებ. კანონი, რომლის მიხედვითაც ზოგიერთი ელექტრონული გადახდის სისტემა გასცემს 1099K ფორმას, არ ვრცელდება Zelle Network®-ზე. კითხვა: Zelle®-ს საშუალებით მიღებული თანხა ექვემდებარება თუ არა დაბეგვრას?…

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Economic impact payments: What you need to know

Economic impact payments: What you need to know

IR-2020-61, March 30, 2020 WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service today announced that the distribution of economic impact payments will begin in the next three weeks and will be distributed automatically, with no action required for most people. However, some taxpayers who typically do not file returns will need to submit a simple tax return to…

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Tax Day now July 15: Treasury, IRS extend filing deadline and federal tax payments regardless of amount owed

Tax Day now July 15: Treasury, IRS extend filing deadline and federal tax payments regardless of amount owed

IR-2020-58, March 21, 2020 WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced today that the federal income tax filing due date is automatically extended from April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020. Taxpayers can also defer federal income tax payments due on April 15, 2020, to July 15, 2020, without penalties and interest, regardless of the amount owed.…

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Check the status of your original Tax Return filed and your Amended Tax return

Check the status of your original Tax Return filed and your Amended Tax return

Where’s My Refund? What You Will Need Social security number or ITIN Your filing status Your exact refund amount Where’s My Amended Return? Check the status of your Form 1040-X, Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, for this year and up to three prior years. 1. When to check… Your amended return will take up to 3 weeks after you mailed…

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